Saturday, May 7, 2011

Home at last

Today was the big day! I was able to transfer the bees to their final home. I donned the bee suit in anticipation of opening the lid to the nuc and seeing how many bees there actuality were in that box. The new hive was ready, the bee suit was on, and the camera was rolling, the moment had finally arrived. I opened the lid and wow, there were A LOT of bees, and this was in the middle of the day when many of them were out and about.

What a cool thing, the transfer went smoothly and I was able to see the queen bee on one of the frames. The hive looks healthy and well established, so we will see in another week how they are adjusting to their new home. At least I get to open the hive top every couple of days to feed them.

You can see the video at:

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